My earlier post posited that Trump will not actually solve many of the problems he claims he will because solving them will be hard. It will be easier to do something performative and then claim the problem is solved. For instance, one of his news outlets (and make no mistake, there will be several news outlets that will be even more one of his propaganda dispensers) will use a mobile unit to cover an ICE raid where a few dozen undocumented immigrants will be rounded up and put in vans, and then Trump will claim, “We got all the bad evil immigrants out. You’re welcome, America!” and his followers will say, “I notice there are no more bad immigrants around here! Another victory for Trump!” even if NONE of that is true.
Duplicate this for other things, too, and you get the idea.
I have an addendum to that.
Trump will ALSO claim to have solved problems that NEVER EXISTED IN THE FIRST PLACE. For example, I think he will rapidly take credit for stopping schools from performing sex change surgeries on children, or for stopping the eating of pets by monster immigrant people, or maybe even will claim to have finally busted up the ring of cannibal Satanists who eat children.
In other words, he won’t just claim to have solved problems that exist, despite not even coming close to doing so (inflation, immigration, etc.) but will also claim to have solved problems that NEVER existed.
The beauty of this plan is that he can point to the total absence of elementary schools putting litter boxes in schools for those kids who identify as cats as evidence that he’s fixed it.
In that vein, I’d like to claim some credit for things right now.
For the past six months, I’ve been broadcasting–at great personal expense–a radio beam to deter space aliens from Epsilon Eridani from invading Earth. I am proud to announce that this Earth Defense Shield has worked perfectly. To prove that it works, I will simply ask you to look around. Do you see any alien fleets invading? No, you don’t. So it works. Likewise my anti-Flying Shark Aerosol Spray (100% effective), my Murderous Leprechaun Repellent Poncho (ZERO attacks from the Little Folk!) and most importantly, I have personally ended that horrible practice where no one was ever allowed to say “Merry Christmas.” Remember when there used to be an eight-month jail sentence and a $10,000 fine for saying that? Well, it’s gone now, all thanks to me.
Be seeing you!