I know that tribalism–the idea that you have a political “team” and want to be loyal to that team, especially if you identify as a member of that team–is a powerful force. I also understand the sunk cost fallacy and how it applies to emotional investment.
In other words, I get it: if you are a Trump supporter and a MAGA member, you are predisposed to like him. And if you build your identity around being MAGA, then you will defend him. Furthermore, the longer you’ve been MAGA, the harder it is to leave it. In that sense, it’s cult like.
But surely, as strong of these forces are (tribalism, sunk cost fallacy, and cult programming) they must have a limit, right? They are strong, but surely, they’re not ultimately unbreakable, yes? Please, please tell me that there is a line, there is a limit, there is a moment when even the most tribal and brainwashed person must agree that what’s happening isn’t good, right?
I say that fully aware that there are MAGA folk who have lost family members because of their views, such as their wives or husbands deported and who still support Trump. Or people who have been capriciously fired without cause and who still consider themselves MAGA. Or families who are watching their already stretched budgets fail them due to Trump’s decisions but maintain their belief in him. Despite this, I simply cannot believe the hold this flim-flam man has on them is unbreakable.
So, then, what will it be? Completely crashing the economy? No, there will be both others to blame and lies to spin. Losing a war? Same answer. A personal scandal, then. But what’s left? He’s a convicted felon and for all reasonable meanings of the word, a rapist. What could he do that’s worse?
My wife and I used to discuss this. The only parameters on our discussions were that our imaginary events had to be within the realm of realism: him revealing himself to be a lizard alien or finding out we’re in the Matrix were out of bounds. What could he do that MAGA would turn on him–or at least admit that his presidency (his SECOND presidency) is a failure?
I don’t have an answer, but if you do, Dear Reader, please let me know. I’d be curious.
Be seeing you!