If you're not aware (and why would you be?) of NaNoWriMo, it's National Novel Writing Month, a fun little challenge writers set themselves. The challenge is to write 50,000 words in the month of November on a novel.
My first successful NaNoWriMo was in 2011, with "Stonethinker," then three years later in 2014 with "Chiron's Orphans," then two years later in 2016 with "Gift of the Moth," then 2017 with "Debt of the Moth," then 2018 with "Orcs Can't Play Quarterback," then 2019 with "Untitled Reality" then 2020 with "Beltrunner II: Aftermath," then 2021 with "Reality P.D."
The current project--one on which that I am just over 43,000 words--is yet ANOTHER attempt at this "reality cop" story I've been working on for, well, as you can see, several years.
Also of note is that my 2020 project is the same one that I signed the series contract for a few days ago. So in my case, yeah, NaNoWriMo does result in some published work!
Anyway, with just three days to go I've got about 7,000 words left!
Be seeing you!