Maybe it's a Trump thing. Liking earnestness, I mean. Appreciating the guy who cheerfully says, "enjoy your coffee and have a super day!" and really seems to mean it. When I say "it's a Trump thing" don't for a fucking minute think I believe he is earnest. No, I mean with the chaotic evil administration and the darkness and the thin layer of corn-fed shit that seems to be all over everything American these days, I guess I've come to really appreciate the dogged determination to be goddam cheerful.
Dogged is right--my little pups (Rocky the spunky, delicate papillon and Eddie the slightly stupid but staunch pug) are as earnest as they come. No pretense or irony in a puppy, is there? They wear their emotions on their sleeves (can you say that about dogs?) and are unashamedly themselves. That's a lot of what I love about them.
And that's what I love about NaNoWriMo. It's very much itself and happy to be it. Hard to argue with that philosophy, isn't it?
Be seeing you!